Monday, October 23, 2006

10 miles non a unicycle...

As I was reading the Weekend section of Saturday's Daily Telegraph at 9.30 yesterday morning I came across an article about unicycling, and in it it mentioned there was a sponsored unicycle ride between Bristol and Bath (along the cycleway) on Sunday starting at 10am. Clearly there was no way I was going to make the start, but I hatched a cunning plan and drove to Bitton Station leaving my two wheeled bike locked up at the finish so that I'd have a way of getting back to the car without having to unicycle the 6-7 miles back to Bitton!

Anyway, I got to Bitton Station and established that a large group of unicyclists [1] hadn't passed by yet, so had time for a coffee and some chocolate before deciding to ide towards Bristol to meet up with the group. I probably did about two miles before I bumped into them, taking about 30 mins, then promptly turned round and headed back to Bitton. After a short stop there we carried on and eventually got into Bath at about 2pm. So I reckon I unicycled about 10-11 miles, just short of the full 14 miles I would have done if I'd done the whole route. Ant that's about 10 or 11 times further than I've ever unicycled before so I was pretty chuffed!

Read more about it here:

[1] What is the collective noun for unicyclists?