Managed to get out this lunchtime too. Still round the back until it started raining, so I came back to go inside but met some colleagues who persuaded me to show them how good I'm not! So hopped on in the main car park at the front of the building, and eventually was able to amaze them (I think) and me (definitely) by going about 20 yards across the car park narrowly missing several cars.
This is my best so far!!!
Emailed Lisa at home:
"I just did my best ever unicycling! From one side of the car park to the other! - at least 20 yards! Wowww...!
I can tell you're impressed :-)"
Her reply:
No really, well done!
PS by the way, which moving car did you hold on to?...:-)"
ha ha...
Surfed some unicycling websites and found a video clip of this guy doing some amazing tricks - riding along railings, walls, branches, rocks etc. Absolutely incredible! How long must it take to get that good?
Total time 4:30