Friday, January 28, 2005

Getting expensive...

Oh dear, I've just ordered a KH Fusion saddle as the one that came with the uni is somewhat uncomfortable, even with 2" thick foam duct taped to it! Is this the start of a slippery slope? :-)

Wasn't able to get out on the uni today, and won't be able to this w/e, so I'll have to wait until Monday now...

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Feeling braver...

Well I actually took my uni onto the local pavements today in order to get to the local kiddies playground (I'm getting bored of the car park at work!) Managed to cycle most of the way there, and had fun on the uneven surfaces of the playground. The transitions from tarmac to grass to spongy safety surfaces by the swings were interesting! I'm definitely improving, and managed to cycle all the way back to work from the park without falling off once [1] - it must be a good 250 yards... But boy, was I knackered!

Total time 14:30

[1] Well not until I went down the small kerb just before the gates to the car park... :-)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Four cans of Grolsh later...

Discovered I can still unicycle after four cans of Grolsh :-) We had a pub quiz/pool/darts (but unfortunately no unicycle events which I might have won) evening at work to raise money for the tsunami appeal and yes, I was able to mount my uni and go round the car park as well if not better than normal!

Total time 13:45

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nothing earthshattering...

Half an hour on Sunday, and 15 minutes today, mainly practicing the
mounts, but also turning etc... Getting the mounting right 1 in 2 or 1
in 3 times now I'd say, which makes life much easier! Once I get the
mounts sussed I need to tackle idling! Now that'll be fun...

Total time 13:15

Saturday, January 22, 2005

A new venue...

Whilst my wife was in the gym, I spent an very productive hour in the car park. The free mounts are definitely improving (1 in 3 or 1 in 4, although sometimes I'd get 3 in a row!), and I was able to do a few complete circuits of the car park - 150m ish, sometimes even negiotiating a small speed ramp (but more often not :-)

Total time 12:30

Friday, January 21, 2005

At last a photo of me! Looking pretty wobbly but I am moving! The building in the background is where I work... Posted by Hello

Another Friday...

Well, reasonable progress in this 30 minute session... Now getting the free mounts about 1 in 7 times, but very occasionally I managed two in a row. I think I'm improving! We had a photographer at work taking pictures of the building, and he took some of me on the unicycle - hope to have one here soon!

Total time 11:30

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Still plugging away

Only 15 minutes today and still working on those self mounts... Getting better at them very slowly...

Total time 11:00

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Best ever...!

Had a good session this lunchtime - managed quite a few free mounts (roll back) and the last (and most successful) one finished at least 100 yards and quite a few turns later :-) A good time to stop! Now I just need to concentrate on getting my percentage of successful free mounts up from about 10%...

Total time 10:45

Oh dear, it's 10:30am and I'm desperate to get out and have a go, but it's still 2.5 hours until my lunch break. Are all unicyclists like this when they start?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Got to keep at it...

Spent another 45 minutes trying to learn to free mount - I think I managed it three or four times properly... Hard work, and frustrating, but it's got to be done! I'm hoping it will just click soon.

Total time 10:00

Zero yards today...

...however I did spend an hour in the kitchen at home this evening practicing free mounting and even managed a few where I got on, idled for a second, then hopped off. Definite progress!

Total time 9:15

Sunday, January 16, 2005

100 yards now!

Nicer weather today, and after half an hour of doing 30-40 yards made a real breakthrough - along the lane, 90 degree left turn, and then all the way along the terrace to the main road - a good 100 yards! And then I did it again a few minutes later... Time to find a bigger area to practice in :-) Or at least learn how to turn properly so that I can go round in circles! It's great to be able to see real progress after every session - it really makes you want to go out and get on it again. So also does having my 7 year old son watching giving me encouragement!

Total time 8:15

Saturday, January 15, 2005

60+ yards AND a 90 degree left turn!

Hurrah, I can do it!!! Well if you count 60 yards and a sharp turn as being able to do it that is! Spent a wet 40 minutes in the lane behind our house and by the end of it was really getting on quite well, even if I do say so myself :-) Heavy rain then stopped play :-(

Total time 7:15

Friday, January 14, 2005

A proper fall!

Out in the car park again. As usual started off rubbish, but got the hang of it again after 5 mins. Then somehow got my toe/foot stuck between the ground and the pedal and over I went, straight onto my hands and knees! As someone was watching I had to hop straight back on as if nothing had happened (which it hadn't really!)

By the end of the 45 mins though I was managing 20-25 yards regularly so overall I'm pretty pleased :-)

Must remember to take the uni home tonight - I'm sure Lisa and the kids will be impressed, NOT!

Actually I'm keen for the kids to learn too - I've seen a 16" kids unicycle for £68 at

Total time 6:30

Late home...

Couldn't resist another go in the car park after work! 10 minutes turned into 15 which turned into 30... Managed to get all the way across the car park a couple of times though! Better with fewer cars! Have to wait until tomorrow lunchtime now...

Total time 5:45

Thursday, January 13, 2005

In control (well almost)!

Felt confident enough to go straight to the main car park instead of hiding round the back. But wished I had hid round the back as I was crap. I couldn't go more than 15 feet... What's gone wrong?

Stuck with it though and all of a sudden it started coming together - first I managed to almost get to the other side of the car park, then I made it over to my car, rested against it, turned round (without getting off), and cycled back to my starting point! And I did it again!!!

I'm not delusioning myself though - I won't be giving up my day job just yet as I have to learn to juggle first :-)

Total time 5:15

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

More quality time

Managed to get out this lunchtime too. Still round the back until it started raining, so I came back to go inside but met some colleagues who persuaded me to show them how good I'm not! So hopped on in the main car park at the front of the building, and eventually was able to amaze them (I think) and me (definitely) by going about 20 yards across the car park narrowly missing several cars.

This is my best so far!!!

Emailed Lisa at home:

"I just did my best ever unicycling! From one side of the car park to the other! - at least 20 yards! Wowww...!

I can tell you're impressed :-)"

Her reply:


No really, well done!

PS by the way, which moving car did you hold on to?...:-)"

ha ha...

Surfed some unicycling websites and found a video clip of this guy doing some amazing tricks - riding along railings, walls, branches, rocks etc. Absolutely incredible! How long must it take to get that good?

Total time 4:30

Quality training time

Took my unicycle to work today to get some quality practicing in during my lunch hour. There's a secluded car park at the back of the building which is ideal. After 45 mins I feel I'm getting back to where I was before New Year.

Got some funny looks from people going to/from their cars!

Total time 3:45

Monday, January 10, 2005

Nasty cold stops play

Have had a nasty cough and cold since New Year. Haven't felt like doing any more practicing this week.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year's Day

Felt too knackered (not hungover :-) to even think about getting on it today!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year's Eve

Took a break from getting the house ready for the party to do 20 mins practicing - not much to report though... No major breakthroughs!

Invited three couples and their children round for New Year's Eve. Great fun, including a few drunken attempts by me on the unicycle. Very amusing for the assembled company! Only one other was brave/foolish enough to even sit on it!